National Exotic
Hedgehog Rescue

For those looking to adopt an animal the process is relativly straightforward. Complete the adoption application and submit it to us and that gets the ball rolling. We usually get back to people within 7-14 days with a decision or with details of further areas which need more research on. We are very specific about who our animals go to as many of them have not had the best start in life and we like to ensure the right hog goes to the right home. Once accepted you may find that your put on the waiting list for an animal but we will keep you updated.
When a hog does become available you will then be contacted by ourselves to ensure your circumstances have not changed, and arrange a meeting between the rescuer and yourself. This is an opportunity for both parties to get to know each other. Also for you and the hog to meet each other and discuss any concerns with the rescuer. The final decision as to if you can re-home the animal lies with the rescuer in charge of the animal. On agreement with the rescuer and on payment of a small donation to the rescuer (currently set at a minumum of £40), you will be able to take your new pet home with you.
We love hearing about animals and how they are getting on in their new homes and fully encourage new owners to start a thread on our forum telling us about their experience with their new animal. This is also a good place for prospective owners unsure about adopting a rescue to see comments from people who have been through the process.

The Team
Adoption Process
Handing in Process

Give a hog a loving home
Apply to Adopt

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