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National Exotic

Hedgehog Rescue



Flooded-out Flossie’s favourite food?


Cauliflower. Yes, the green and white half-weed-half-fungus that tastes of roughly nothing. But Flossie’s an older girl and knows what she likes. She’s five and a half now but going strong, playing and exploring like a hoglet despite losing an eye somewhere along the line.


Not all hogs that come into the rescue are abandoned or abused. Flossie was a victim of circumstance – she was a loved pet, but when her owners’ home flooded they turned her over to NEHR. A wise and selfless choice, as cold and damp conditions are no good for exotic animals.


She was adopted out to Abi Gazzard. Although a first-time hog owner, Abi’s obviously stepped up to the plate. The more senior hogs can often be stand-offish faced with a new home, but old girl Flossie has settled in nicely, and even revealed herself as a keen snuggler!


PigAdvisor New Home Review:


Let’s get one thing straight, human beings. Yes, I’ve only got one eye. Well done for noticing. And yes, I pretty much sailed straight into NEHR on a rescue boat. But seriously, one more pirate gag and someone’s losing a leg. The joke might lose its comedy value then, right? Glad we’re clear.


Other than the frequent “aaaarghs” and “me hearties”, life’s pretty good. Happiness is a warm human, and my two-legged adventure playground is as toasty as they come. They even feed me this delicious stuff called cauliflower. All mealworms should carry some to distract hungry hedgehogs, I tell you. It doesn’t even try to escape, it just sits there waiting to be chomped. Wonderful.


Cosy. Cuddles. Cauliflower. Everything an old lady needs.

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